What we do

We provide International students with affordable housing!

We provide safe and affordable accommodation to international Students. Our apartments have been optimized for student use and we strive to keep expanding and making our services more accessible to every part of the world.

We Find & Fund

We scout for apartments with a good transport networks to renown universities and make them available for students for a reduced fee.

We Educate

The International Students Housing Organization has created hubs where students can share resources and study in groups

We Provide Care

International Students are vulnerable to the harsh realities of their new environments. WE make sure our tenants are protected every step of the way.

We Consult

We carry our free consultations to find out the requirements of our tenants and put apartments that will suit their need at their disposal

We Build Communities

The international Students Housing Organization has managed to bring together, people from all works of life to build diverse and inclusive communities in an effort to improve tolerance in the world


We help new International Students find employment to assist themselves and pay some bills while they strive for a better education

What we care for


We make it easy for people from all works of life to get access to education. Regardless of your Heritage, Ethnicity, Religion or Gender Orientation, We have a home for you while you shoot for higher heights.

Safety In Foreign Lands

Students are usually exposed to all types of ills as they leave their native lands and it is our responsibility to take you under our wings and ensure your safety in your every while you focus on your studies and continue to grow as an individual.

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Student Hubs and Study

Our Tenants have access to Study groups where they gain access to lectures and shared resources from experts on our payroll and other students. This was put in place to promote a more positive, collaborative and inclusive atmosphere in our communities.